Case Studies

Chugoku Regional Tourism
We created a video to show the charms of San'in and Hiroshima that one can enjoy by bus!
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Niigata City
Partnering up with the world's biggest anime YouTubers, The Anime Man and AkiDearest, the Niigata Tourism Division reached out to the Tokyo Creative team to promote their undiscovered anime secret society to the world!
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Nishi-Izu Town
Looking for a way to encourage foreigners to experience local Japanese life, Nishi-Izu Town's Farm Stay Promotion Council sought out the help of Tokyo Creative. Working with our internal media team and influencer TokiDoki Traveler, Tokyo Creative was able to successfully drive an online interest towards life in the countryside.
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Tourism Oita
Oita governments tourism board needed assistance in devising highly engaging promotion and inbound digital marketing strategies in preparation for the 2019 Rugby World Cup and the 2020 Summer Olympics and 2020 Paralympics.
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Chofu City
The Chofu City Cultural Community Foundation requested support for inbound digital marketing strategy creation for foreign visitors interested in experiencing a different side of traditional Japanese life. Also in preparation for the 2020 Summer Olympics and 2020 Summer Paralympics, Chofu City's main attractions were highlighted through various content forms.
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Yuto Corporation
Yuto Corporation requested the help of Tokyo Creative's in the fields of inbound advertising to foreign audiences, customer acquisition, and targeted audiences. Prioritising the expansion of brand marketing to the wider global audience, audiences from Europe, America, and Australia were put forward to Tokyo Creative as prospective targets.
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Magical Trip
Seeking promotional content help from Tokyo Creative, Magical Trip is a locally-guided tour booking website for foreigners who are interested in seeing Japan as a local.
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To promote and showcase all the beautiful sights and delicious foods of Ibaraki Prefecture to a wider global audience, JETRO Ibaraki took a step towards the right direction: contacting the Tokyo Creative team for help!
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Oki Island Geopark
The Oki Island Geopark Promotion Council wanted to properly welcome travelers entering Shimane Airport to the beautiful island. Particularly, promotional and advertising activities with Hong Kong residents were implemented to encourage visitors to see the best of the islands.
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CVS Bay Area
Before there was any interest in the phenomenon of capsule hotels, CVS approached us with a promotional challenge: get the word out! Working with Abroad in Japan, Kim Dao, Tokidoki Traveller, and MaoMao TV, capsule hotels are now a staple must-do activity in Japan!
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